Making things easier is what we do. We’ve got answers to your questions about our product below—and if you’re still wondering, contact us directly for a swift response.
Depending on the types of clinical services needed and the states in which patients are located, a typical implementation is two to four weeks. In many cases, we can be up and running within 72 hours thanks to the investments we’ve made in a world class team and technology platform.
Both law firms and STH can help you understand the steps you need to take to set up your MSO and establish medical services in different states. As well, both can help you file the necessary incorporation forms and maintain on-going compliance with state regulatory agencies. However, only STH can serve as your clinical partner to create your medical infrastructure, manage practice operations and staff, and deliver medical services.
Yes, we have everything you could possibly need. We invested over $2 million (in consultation with leading law firms) to develop the infrastructure and operating system that technology companies need to deliver clinical services. We have multiple template agreements included with your subscription to our Virtual Health Operating System. And we offer this at a fraction of the cost it would take for you to reinvent the wheel. Why go in circles when Single Thread Health can be your turn-key, white-label infrastructure as a solution?
This decision is ultimately based on what your team needs at a given point in time. When you are first getting started, you may only have a small seed round of funding that you need to deploy carefully. Our leadership team understands resource constraints and we do well when your business scales. We can serve as your Interim Chief Medical Officer (or provide other types of clinical leadership as needed) to help you avoid the cost in the short term of hiring a high value resource that is only needed on a part-time basis.
Yes, if you already have clinicians on your team or plan to recruit new staff, we can help them get onboarded and trained as well as provide clinical supervision to satisfy regulatory requirements and best practices. Whether your clinicians are ready to go or need help getting credentialed and licensed, Single Thread Health has you covered with template agreements and industry expertise to make the on-boarding process as seamless as possible.
One of the biggest challenges in start-up land is investing resources in early infrastructure and having your lead clinician pursue another opportunity outside your company (and in turn, leaving with all of the medical licenses and other fees that your company paid to set everything up). STH helps you solve for this risk through a contracted relationship with your company. We diversify your risk across multiple states as needed, and provide redundancy where it matters. We use technology to help you track clinical network performance and we do all of this at a cost that is lower than what it would take to do it yourself.
We provide everything you need to get started and at the right time we can help you establish your own policies. We work with one of the leading insurance brokers in the country and benefit from economies of scale - we do more work with them than most virtual health companies can do on their own. And we pass these cost savings on to your team so you can focus on building the best member experience and product possible.
We would be happy to have a free, no-risk conversation to better understand your needs and share guidance on what structure makes the most sense for you.
Still looking for answers?
Contact us for questions about how Single Thread Health can work for you.